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Support is unlimited for large volume licenses [EN] and support is limited to 1 month for single licenses. In order to keep our prices as low as possible and due to the fact that support requires expensive labor , support may be chargeable. EuropeSoftwares therefore invites you to make maximum use of the free tools made available (Forum, Tutorials, etc.).


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0.12 € TTC/MN [8H30-12H & 13H30-17H - 5/7 - France]
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0.99 € TTC/MN [8H30-12H & 13H30-17H - 5/7 - France]
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» RED BY SFR (Téléphonie / Internet / TV / Mobile)

» Orange (Réseau Mobile N°1)

» Free (Téléphonie / Internet / TV / Mobile)

» Bouygues Telecom (Téléphonie / Internet / TV / Mobile)

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» Bouygues Telecom (Mobile / Internet)

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